
What Your Tongue Tells About Toxins In Your Body

Do you know that by looking at your tongue you can find out if you have problems with the liver. How does the digestive system work and  do you worry too much about life?

A detailed overview of the tongue can reveal how your whole body works, which are critical points to it and which organs urgently need help.

It’s not a trick, but a detailed overview of the tongue, a method that Chinese folk medicine and Ayurveda practice for millenniums.

The tongue is the mirror of the organism, and certain parts of tongue, according to folk medicine, correspond to organs in the body.

Changing the color, tissue tongue or deposits in certain parts will tell you what your body is like, where toxins accumulate and what you need to pay attention to.

Although for the ultimate tongue analysis you need skills, knowledge, and many years of experience, you can generally discover some health problems in principle, using this simple test.

It is important to spend it in the morning, as soon as you wake up, before you perform morning hygiene.

What a healthy tongue looks like

To begin with, it’s important to know what a healthy tongue looks like.

He has several features. Take a good look:

The color – pink is colorless, with no dark or pale areas. This color indicates a healthy flow of blood.

Shape – elastic, dense tongue. The surface is smooth, not cracked, creased or flat. The lingering tongue that is flimsy or too tight indicates problems in the body.

Deposits – healthy tongue is no plaque or with only noticeable layers of white. Highly visible white deposits are signs of toxins and excessive consumption of dairy products, while brown, gray and dark spots suggest digestion, kidney or liver problems.

Humidity – Healthy tongue is mildly moist, not dry or overwhelming.

The veins under the tongue – not expanded, barely visible, bright colors. Dark-blue and violet boats point to some health problem.

What can you discover by tongue overview?

how your bodies work

where toxins accumulate in the body

problems with thyroid


poor absorption of nutrients

infection with parasites

inflammatory processes in the body

In a mirrored display of the surface of the tongue, you can see how traditional medicine links it with the work of certain organs in the body.

Find out where your weak points are

  1. Deposits in the background tongue

They are close to the root of the tongue. Signs are digestive problems and point to toxins or parasites that are accumulated in the intestines.

  1. Deposits at the edges of the tongue with root

Signs are toxins and overweight kidneys and may indicate the onset of serious illness. In addition to white, the settlements may be darker, brown or very bright in color.

  1. “Blank” heart tongue, surrounded by layers or red dots

The center of the tongue is red, surrounded by deposits, sometimes with a small jamaic in that area.

This area points to a delicate heart, in both directions. Physically, the sign of body overload is toxins in the bloodstream and the whole organism.

In a spiritual sense, a sign of unresolved sadness, despair and depression manifests itself in the whole organism.

  1. Reddish stains on the edges, at the top of the tongue

They point to lung problems and breathing difficulties. They can also be a sign of depression.

  1. White or stained spots on the edges of the tongue, along the top

They are signs of lung problems that are clogged with secretion deposits, diseases such as bronchitis.

  1. Dark black dots on the edges of the tongue, along the top

Indication of lung inflammation and serious problems that need to be addressed immediately.

  1. Tongue with tooth marks

A sign of weakened digestion that prevents the body from using nutrients from foods.

The cause can be food allergy, inflammation in the digestive system, poor quality diet, and the like.

Toxins that remain in the body due to poor digestion cause an increase in the tongue, on which the apparent traces of teeth remain.

  1. White deposits in the center of the tongue

They point to toxins in the intestines.

  1. White layers or red area in the center of the tongue

It detects impurities and accumulated toxins in the small intestine, or the whole digestive system that is bothering.

  1. tongue with cracked parts, “grooves”

It points to weak digestion, slowed operation of the small intestine and the large intestine and nervous system problems.

They may be a sign of intolerance to certain types of foods, such as those containing gluten. At the same time, they show that the body carries a difficult spiritual condition, such as fear, insomnia, anxiety …

  1. The tongue that shakes

The sign of emotional instability – fears, insecurities and anxieties.

  1. Line in the middle of the tongue

The line that lies in the middle of the tongue, from roots to almost the top, can point to spinal problems and is linked to emotional causes.

The sign is the accumulated tension and stress that also has a physical manifestation.

Sometimes it extends throughout the tongue and sometimes only in the tongue and then warns of a particular stressed organ.

  1. The deposits that lie along the edge of the tongue, on the right

They point to spleen problems, whose work is weakened by disease or toxins.

They can be brighter, white, but also darker, funny colors.

Sometimes they can be replaced with stains that remain after consuming coffee or tea, but these deposits quickly rinse.

Those deposits and stains that remain on the surface for a long time are signs of problems with internal organs.

  1. The deposits that lie along the edge of the tongue, on the left

The signs of problems with the liver and bladder, can indicate the burden on toxins, oils, excessive drug use.

They can be brighter, white, but also darker, so be sure to control the work of the liver.

  1. Enlarged tongue

It may be a sign of problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland and the maintenance of excess fluid in the body, as well as the toxin that the body can not eject.

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