
The Unpleasant And Deadly Truth About Tampons And Menstrual Cups

Organic cotton pads are often advertised as a safer alternative, but a new study has shown that they are no better than the standard in preventing the woman from toxic shock syndrome.

Another popularity product – the menstrual cups – also increases the risk of toxic shock. They should be boiled before each use, says a report by the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, an American Society of Microbiology.

It’s Important For Women To Change Tampons Regularly

Women have been advised to change their tampons regularly to avoid the risk of toxic shock syndrome – a rare but life-threatening condition caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, rash, muscle aches and organ failure.

In recent years, a number of new products for women’s hygiene have plagued the market, including organic cotton tampons and menstrual cups that can be rinsed in every use.

Scientists have tested 11 types of tampons and 4 menstrual cups in a laboratory to investigate the effect on the growth of pathogens called staphylococcus aureus and the production of toxic shock toxin 1 (TSST-1).

The results showed that it does not matter what material the tampons are made of, but rather what is the amount between the fibers, which increases the risk of bacterial growth. Where more air enters the vagina, growth of staphylococci and toxin is detected.

A Reported Case of a Woman Experienced Toxic Shock By Using Menstrual Cup!

“Over the years it has been claimed that if the tampons are made of natural materials, the toxic shock is avoided. The new study, which was recently published, clearly shows that this is not true, “said Adi Davidov, director of gynecological surgery in New York. “Toxic shock may have come from every swab material and even more often from menstrual cups,” he adds.

“If you use tampons and menstrual cups, go to the doctor at the first symptoms of fever, cold waves and rash. And of course, remove the cup or tampon immediately, “advises Jill Rabin, head of hospital treatment for a network of New York healthcare facilities.

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