
Everything You Should Know About Menopause

There are numerous symptoms associated with menopause:

  • menstruation
  • hot flashes
  • mood swings
  • fatigue
  • irregular periods
  • heart palpitations
  • vaginal dryness
  • breast tenderness

Menopause can come with different symptoms, the most common ones being hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats.

For some women, the answer to the best menopause treatment might be more complicated than just taking a supplement or drinking a cup of hot tea.

Let’s see what they are!

1. Meet a doctor

Both menopause and post-menopause women need to meet a doctor regularly. Your regular doctor should be a general practitioner who treats a wide variety of medical problems and should have the necessary qualifications to treat menopause effectively.

There may well be specialized doctors in your area that deal specifically with menopause. However, if you feel uncomfortable meeting a regular doctor for this reason, then there are other alternatives.

Some clinics and health trusts operate just for the treatment of menopause. You may well find they can recommend a suitable menopause doctor or provide feedback on doctors in your area who treat their patients well.

2. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy is a type of hormone replacement therapy used to remedy various symptoms associated with women’s menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

The synthetic hormones in HRT are chemically formulated and take the place of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

These hormones are not natural to the body and cause many unwanted side effects. It is believed that some of these side effects are caused by the fact that synthetic hormones replace natural hormones in the body.

This can cause chemical imbalances in other areas of the body.

There are also the dangers of developing an allergic reaction to these synthetic hormones and experiencing adverse health effects, including infertility.

Your medical history should be reviewed to identify any other conditions you may have, such as:

  • diabetes
  • kidney disease
  • osteoporosis

Your doctor will likely ask about your experience with menopause symptoms such as night sweats, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes, as well as other symptoms.

Your medical history may reveal information regarding any medications you are currently taking. This is whether or not you smoke and any environmental factors that might contribute to your symptoms.

3. Herbal treatment

There are many herbs out there that are said to be effective in relieving pre-menopause symptoms, and most of these herbs can be found in your own kitchen.

Some of the herbal remedies for menopause are chaste berry, evening primrose oil, and black Cohosh, which all have different properties to help balance out your hormones. You may also want to try:

  • soybean extract
  • black cohosh
  • red clover
  • Dong Quai

A great place to purchase herbal remedies is at your local natural food stores, such as Mountain Rose herbs or Green Mountain Hops.

4. Have a healthy lifestyle

This can also help alleviate the symptoms. This means you’ll be eating nutritious foods and getting enough rest. Exercise is also helpful in alleviating pre-menopause symptoms.

As most doctors would say, prevention is always better than cure. So if you want to avoid menopause symptoms, make sure you engage in a healthy lifestyle.

The simplest way to avoid menopause symptoms is by taking care of yourself. Eat healthily and get enough sleep. And it would help if you also got regular exercise.

5. Contraceptive pills

Aside from natural treatments for menopause, there are also other options such as contraceptive pills.

However, these pills should only be used on days when you actually start menstruating. It would be best to use them along with another form of menopause treatment.

There are lots of menopause treatment options out there. And while some of them do work, some of them do not. Therefore, it’s important to find what works best for you.

First, do some research that works for your particular symptoms. Then, stay patient as it will get removed from your body soon.

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