
Your Personal Fitness Schedule

Want to work more fitness into your busy life? Print this simple chart to help you get a sense of your current fitness level. Aerobic exercise is designed to improve the heart and lungs of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Muscle strengthening is important, especially as we age, to prevent loss of muscle bulk and strength, and overall fitness.

The chart records both aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening exercises. Both are crucial for good health. Aerobic activity can help control weight and can lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and many other conditions. Muscle-strengthening exercises are important for the same reasons but will also boost your metabolism.

Every day, jot down the number of minutes you spent doing aerobic exercise along with any muscle-building activities you did. With strengthening exercise, it’s important to write down the number of repetitions you completed also to show progress. However, the number of repetitions is not as important as the ability to perform the exercise correctly and safely without pain. At the end of the week, see how your totals compare to what’s recommended by the CDC for a healthy adult.

Exercise routines, like all routines, can be modified for variety to keep it interesting as you build this healthy habit.

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