
Quick Tips for Perfect Skin in Minutes

If you love to look your best, but don't have a lot of time to mess around with multiple serums, creams, and eyeshadow palettes every morning, this collection of tips is just what you need to learn how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes (or less!). Each tip takes next to no time, but makes a world of difference in fooling the world into think you're younger, thinner, and less tired than you really are. And if you don't have time to do ALL of the things each morning, make sure to never (ever) skip number 8. Trust me on this one!

Before I became a mom, I used to spend a significant amount of time on my face each morning. I cleansed and toned, I applied moisturizer and eye cream, I mixed 3 different foundations together to get the perfect shade, I plucked stray hairs from my eyebrows, I experimented with different eyeshadow combinations to ensure my look was always fresh, I flossed, I brushed my teeth with my favorite Colgate toothpaste, I rinsed my mouth for an inordinate amount of time with salt water and mouthwash…

You get the idea.

In a perfect world, I would still do all of those things before leaving the house everyday because they make me look and feel my best, but life as a work-at-home mom has given me perspective, and I now save long sessions with my face creams, tweezers, eyeshadow palettes, dental floss, and various mouth rinses for those rare occasions when my husband and I leave the house together after 7 pm.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t still put an effort into my appearance.

(Or that I’ve stopped brushing with Colgate.)

I’ve just gotten smarter about it.

And because I’m all about paying it forward, today I’m teaming up with Colgate Total and the Mom It Forward Blogger Network to share some of my favorite tips to teach you how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes or less.

You’re welcome!


I cannot tell you how important it is make sure you remove oil and dirt and grim from your face each day, and also apply the right moisturizer for your skin type. Not only will this make your skin look healthy, but it will also help keep skin issues (think: dry skin, oily skin, acne, etc.) at bay.


Up until a couple of years ago, the only TLC my eyebrows got was a trip to the salon for a wax every 2-3 weeks, but after a particularly horrible experience with an over-zealous beautician, I started paying attention. As it turns out, your eyebrows play a huge role in shaping your face. Not only do they frame your eyes, but they also balance your facial features and give you a more defined and youthful appearance.


My life is crazy and busy and hectic and FUN, and I rarely get more than 6 hours of shut-eye each night, so skipping the concealer isn’t an option for me. I simply draw a triangle underneath my eyes with my favorite product, blend with my ring finger, and then even out it all out with my Beauty Blender. Easy-peasy.


If you have problem skin, you will likely need a heavier foundation, but for those with relatively clear skin, I highly recommend using a BB cream instead. BB creams are an all-in-one product, so you don’t need to worry about primers and serums, and I love how light they feel on my skin, and how natural they make my face look.


Up until about a year ago, I didn’t own an eyelash curler, but when I learned that curling your lashes can make them not only look longer and fuller, but can also make your eyes appear larger, I bought 3 – one for my bathroom, one for my purse, and one for my car. Yup. I’m a bit obsessed.


I’ve always loved the effects of contours and highlighters, but never felt comfortable experimenting with them myself, and when I did, it always took me 20+ minutes to get it right. But then I stumbled across an amazing YouTube tutorial that taught me how to contour and highlight my face in SIXTY SECONDS, and it completely changed my life.


I can’t remember a single day in the last 20+ years that I didn’t apply a little blush to my cheeks before leaving the house, but this tutorial has made a huge difference in teaching me how to apply blush PROPERLY for my face shape, which really does make a difference in giving me that beautiful, flawless, defined look I love!


During my first year of college, I lived in a small apartment on campus with 2 girls and 2 guys. It was a crazy year, and with so much estrogen and testosterone floating through the place, I can only remember ONE conversation we had in which everyone agreed on something. Someone (likely me) had asked what everyone else noticed first about the opposite sex, and while I braced myself for shallow answers from my male counterparts, I was shocked that we all agreed eyes were most important, followed closely by teeth. We ended up taking a poll with a bunch of our friends later on that night (we had a lot of free time on our hands), and it turns out we weren’t the only ones who thought a healthy smile (and fresh breath!) was important.

I have never forgotten that conversation, and while I’m not always great about washing my hair when I stumble out of bed in the morning, I never skip the toothpaste.


When I was younger, I was all about buying the cheapest brand of toothpaste I could get my hands on, but now that I’m older and more refined, I take the time to research what I’m buying to make sure it does all the things I need it to do.

If you love to look your best, but don't have a lot of time to mess around with multiple serums, creams, and eyeshadow palettes every morning, this collection of tips is just what you need to learn how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes (or less!). Each tip takes next to no time, but makes a world of difference in fooling the world into think you're younger, thinner, and less tired than you really are. And if you don't have time to do ALL of the things each morning, make sure to never (ever) skip number 8. Trust me on this one!

So when my friends over at the Colgate-Palmolive Company gave me a tube of Colgate Total® Daily Repair Toothpaste to try, I jumped at the chance. This new toothpaste contains a multi-active formula that helps repair early teeth and gum damage* before you may even know it exists, and it also helps remineralize weakened enamel, helps kill bacteria that cause gingivitis, protects against cavities, plaque, and tartar, freshens breath, whitens teeth, and at less than $4.00 for a 5.8oz tube (and less than $3.00 for a 4.0oz tube), it’s my new favorite toothpaste!

If you love to look your best, but don't have a lot of time to mess around with multiple serums, creams, and eyeshadow palettes every morning, this collection of tips is just what you need to learn how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes (or less!). Each tip takes next to no time, but makes a world of difference in fooling the world into think you're younger, thinner, and less tired than you really are. And if you don't have time to do ALL of the things each morning, make sure to never (ever) skip number 8. Trust me on this one!

I love how smooth it makes my teeth feel, and as an avid coffee drinker,  I especially love that it not only makes my breath minty fresh for the other moms when I drop my daughter off at camp each morning, but that it also whitens my teeth so that I can get that pearly white smile my college roommates told me is so important.

If you love to look your best, but don't have a lot of time to mess around with multiple serums, creams, and eyeshadow palettes every morning, this collection of tips is just what you need to learn how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes (or less!). Each tip takes next to no time, but makes a world of difference in fooling the world into think you're younger, thinner, and less tired than you really are. And if you don't have time to do ALL of the things each morning, make sure to never (ever) skip number 8. Trust me on this one!

To learn more about Colgate Total® Daily Repair Toothpaste as well as the broad portfolio of other Colgate Total® products that provide a range of oral care benefits, CLICK HERE.

What are YOUR best tips for learning how to get a flawless face in 5 minutes (or less)?!

*Reverses early gum issues by helping prevent gingivitis; remineralizes enamel damage to strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities.

I am part of the Colgate Total campaign with Mom It Forward Blogger Network and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

If you liked this post, you’ll love my Beauty board on Pinterest. It’s filled with my favorite beauty products, hacks, and tutorials, and it has heaps of fantastic makeup tips and tricks, too! You can check it out below!

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