
How to Stop Snoring – 10 Proven Ways to Stop It

1. Anti-snoring pillow

There are lots of different snoring remedies and methods that people can try to stop snoring. One of the most popular snoring remedies is the anti-snoring pillow.

There are different types of these anti-snoring pillows that people can buy nowadays, and one of the most recommended anti-snoring pillows is the mouthpiece that you can buy.

2. Lifestyle changes

Another common snoring remedy is lifestyle changes. For example, if you are overweight and suffer from snoring problems, then you should start losing weight.

In some people, sleep apnea is caused by excessive body weight. People who are overweight tend to have larger necks, making it easier for them to breathe when their airway diameter is smaller than average.

Excessive body weight increases the risk of increased neck tension, resulting in a reduced airway diameter.

People with large necks are also more likely to snore.

To treat this condition, a physician can perform uvulopalatoplasty or soft palate removal surgeries to bring the nasal cavity closer to the spine, reducing the size of the neck.

If you are not overweight but have increased body fat levels, you should make those changes to your lifestyle and avoid snoring.

3. Breathing exercises

A third common snoring solution that people use is certain breathing exercises. This involves taking long deep breaths when you are sleeping.

These breathing exercises are said to relax the airways and the muscles in the throat and tongue.

This is believed to reduce or prevent snoring because when you breathe in, more air gets through, and the lungs get more oxygen to help with the sound made while sleeping.

It is also believed that snoring is caused mainly by congestion in the airways, so clearing the airways can help reduce or stop snoring completely.

4. Sleep on your side

The fourth remedy is a no-brainer: to sleep on your side. The reason that snorers turn to this is that it allows them to better view the person beside them if there is a slight change in the sleeping position.

Some snorers have said that sleeping on their stomachs causes the mouth to fall open and block their noses.

However, sleeping on their side actually allows more air to get through because the snorer’s head is slightly elevated.

5. Neti pot

If you have never heard of a Neti pot before, then you should look into this thoroughly. You may be wondering what exactly is a Neti pot.

Basically, it is a nasal irrigation system designed to clean out your nasal passages for clearing up your airways. By clearing out the nasal passages, you can breathe and sleep better.

The idea behind this type of device is to make sure you don’t get into the position of having your mouth closed so much that you are in constant pain when you try to breathe.

Nasal congestion can be a major factor in why people snore. However, it is possible to eliminate nasal congestion through the use of a Neti pot.

It works by running warm water into the nose to open the airways and make it easier for air to flow. But if you feel scared to do this, you can watch how people do this on YouTube.

6. Mandibular advancement mouthpiece

A mouthpiece, commonly known as a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), is an effective device for eliminating snoring.

These devices are usually made of titanium or plastic, which helps hold your jaw and open the upper airways completely, thus preventing them from collapsing.

When used properly and for the correct amount of time, you will avoid apneas and snoring while you are sleeping.

It will help keep your airway clear to not experience vibrations in your neck and throat. This is good because without air flowing freely in and out of your lungs, you will experience soft tissue damage and an increased risk of infection.

Before you decide to use a mandibular advancement device to stop snoring, you will want to visit a dentist to make sure that you are a candidate for the device.

If you use the device too often or experience any side effects, it may not be the right device.

7. Practice relaxing your soft palate

Relaxing the soft palate to stop snoring is a technique used more than any other. In fact, it is so common that many people don’t even realize they have it, although they have some form of this condition.

A soft palate is a tissue that hangs down from the roof of your mouth, along the back of the tongue, and the roof of the throat. It is designed to aid in saliva production. Still, it can obstruct your airway if it becomes relaxed, making it very difficult to breathe at night.

This snoring problem occurs because the soft palate expands in response to swallowing saliva. The solution for this is to strengthen the muscles in this area. There are several exercises that you can use to fix this problem.

8. Anti-snoring bandage

The use of an anti-snoring bandage for this purpose is actually very simple. First of all, you will need to consult your doctor and see if he or she will be able to prescribe you the right kind of anti-snoring bandage for you to wear when you go to bed at night.

The way it works is when a person snores, it will close the person’s jaw and block the airways in the throat and mouth.

9. Chinstrap

In many cases, your doctor may prescribe you a chin strap which is considered a better alternative than the anti-snoring bandage.

People say that a chin strap for snoring works because it holds the jaw up while sleeping, preventing any airway from being blocked.

There are a couple of different chin straps that you can buy, but none of them really seem to do what it claims to do. A cheap chin strap will be loose in the store and won’t keep your mouth closed the way you need it to stop snoring.

10. Nasal strip

One of the simplest ways to quit snoring is with the help of a nasal strip. It is very effective because it helps you breathe through your nose and your mouth, and if done right, it works fast.

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