
How to Remove Blackheads with the Help of a Toothbrush

 There are of people around the world who are suffering from a skin condition called blackheads. They are specific type of dark acne lesion, and are called like that because they contain melanin, which is the pigment that is made by skin cells melanocytes.


  • The sebaceous gland produces excessive amounts of sebum
  • The excess sebum clumps together with the dead cells and then it blocks the hair follicle.
  • The open comedones expose this plug of sebum onto the air and get a black color

The dark spots don’t have damaging effects except for the aesthetics. Our problems appear when they start kindling, or when they become infections.

Today, in this article, we will present you how you can remove the blackheads on your face with a help of just one toothbrush.

First of all, before you start with this process, you need to wash your face thoroughly with warm water. Then put your face above a dish with hot water, you can add chamomile, St. John’s worth or mint tea.

Then, take a small amount of toothpaste and just apply it on the affected areas. Let it stay for about 10 minutes.

With a gentle massaging motion, you need to massage your skin and then rinse off the paste with warm water.

Repeat this process two times a week and the results are going to be amazing.

Here is one more homemade remedy for blackheads.


  • Salt
  • 1 ice cube
  • Mint toothpaste

The preparation:

You need to mix together one tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of mint paste. Mix them well until you get a homogeneous paste.

Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it to stay for 5 minutes, or until it gets dry. Then put a bit of water and massage the area gently with circular motions.

When your skin is clear, you should rub it with an ice cube.

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