
How to Lose Face Fat In 2 Days

Nobody likes having a double chin! Unlike other demanding exercise, you can learn how to get rid of a double chin with minimal effort. While being overweight can contribute to it, for some people it’s simply a case of weak muscles. Did you know in the US alone, 20% of the population in each state suffer from obesity according to stateofobesity.org.

Fortunately, getting rid of chin fat is easily fixable. All you need to do is strengthen your neck muscles. Here are some extremely effective exercises that will help you tone your chin, neck and jaw muscles. The exercises definitely look ridiculous and will surely make you feel like one as you are doing them at the beginning.

However like any other muscles on your body, it can be trained. So have your laugh first and then try to see that the woman in the video really wants to help you learn how to get rid of a double chin.

Do these consistently and you will see results in no time! These exercises can done anywhere and anytime you want. You can even do them while in the bathroom.

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Do each of the following chin exercises 5-7 times per day:


  • Easy move the chin forward & backward.

“Spade” – an exercise for strengthen the muscles of the chin

  • Open your mouth wide.
  • Bend the lower lip inside.
  • Close your mouth pulling the lower jaw forward (as if you try to scoop the water).

Relax muscles

  • Easy move the jaw up and down.
  • Do this after each exercise.

“Kiss of the ceiling” – an exercise for strengthen the muscles of the neck.

  • Lift the face up and look at the ceiling.
  • Blow the kiss towards the ceiling.

Touch the nose

  • Stick out your tongue.
  • Try to reach the nose by tongue tip.


  • Put your elbows on the table.
  • Put the chin on your fists.
  • Push your chin against the fists, trying to overcome the resistance.

The “Triangle of Youth” – an exercise for the perfect oval face.

  • Turn your head to the left.
  • Pull the lower jaw forward straining muscles of the neck.
  • Turn your head to the right.
  • Do the same to the other side.
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