
Fun Rice Krispie Treats for Kids

Whether you’re a fan of the original recipe for rice krispie treats, want to add a few flavors (peanut butter, chocolate, cake batter, Nutella, to name a few), need a good holiday-inspired idea for Christmas or Valentine’s Day, prefer something healthy, or want something on a stick that’s gooey but also mess-free for your child’s class party, we’ve got you covered. We’ve rounded up 10 of the best rice krispie treats recipes to make with kids - number 7 makes a fab DIY Teacher Appreciation Gift!

When I was a kid, my mother very rarely baked, and when she did, it was often a British dessert I didn’t really like.

Like fruit cake.

Or mince meat pies.

Or my grandma’s famous trifle.

But every once in a while, when I’d eaten at a friend’s house and spent the next month talking about the amazing cookies and fudge and treat bars my friend’s mother had made for dessert, my mum would step up her game a little and make something I could stomach.

Nine times out of ten, she made pineapple-carrot muffins or rhubarb crumble, but a couple of times she totally wowed me by making rice krispie treats.

And these weren’t just any rice krispie treats, either.

They had a Mars bar melted into them.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Of course, my daughter doesn’t like sweets or chocolate (we’re not sure if she’s really ours?), but she LOVES rice krispie treats for some reason, so I’ve been collecting some fun recipes we can make together.

Most involve ingredients she won’t be interested in, but the fun factor is still there and I think they’re delicious, so it’s all good, right?


2. Rice krispie Mickey Mouse pops

3. Dinosaur rice krispie treats

4. Rainbow rice krispie treats

5. Rice krispie treat ice cream cones

6. Rice krispie lawn mowers

7. Apple rice krispies <<– Fabulous idea for a Teacher Appreciation gift!

8. Rice krispie sushi

9. Elmo rice krispies

10. Watermelon rice krispies

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If you liked this collection of rice krispie treats to make with kids, please share it on Pinterest!

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