
Early Cancer Signs Everyone Ignores

The human body always sends signals…too bad our consciousness rarely recognizes them. So many things could change if we learn to live synchronized between our body signals and our mind, because the inner body language is something that never lies. We just need to “open our ears”.

Or, to be more exact, our fifth sense in this case.

Here are the most common early cancer signs not only you, but almost 90% of humanity ignores.

Persistent cough

A cough that “never goes away” is not something that’s normal to live with. If you notice this, together with having a loss or decreased appetite, shortness of breath, sudden weight loss  –  it might be a sign that a lung cancer is developing somewhere in your body…

Skin neoplasms

Skin differences happen on a daily bases, and most of the time, we tend to ignore them and go during the day, after which we kind of get used to having them, without further consultations. However, skin neoplasm, followed with hard knots in the armpits or your breasts, having irritation or inflammation that you don’t know where it’s from, or if you have some changes on your birthmark or similar things, it might be a better idea to not ignore this and make an appointment with your doctor. 

Abrupt weight loss

Losing weight is something that 90%of the population tends to achieve. That’s why when this happens, they are trilled and never assume there’s something else wrong. However, if you also experience disgust for meat, tiredness and fatigue, low blood pressure or anemia, and strange bowel movements, difficult to “release” anything and they don’t go away in days, it might be an early sign for stomach cancer.


Skin itchiness can occur from so many things, like, for example, switching washing powder. But if it is not going away, and it is followed by sudden losses of breath, it might be an early sign of brain cancer (especially if you feel itchy nostrils) or, a uterine neoplasm – if you just can’t keep from scratching down there!

Secretion when urinating

This symptom, along with hypertension, blood in the urine and pain in the kidneys might be an early sign for development of kidney cancer.

Changes in the bowel function

If you have blood in your stool, followed with spontaneous defecation, and they last for more than a week – you should definitely check with your doctor. Cancer could be developed on many of the parts of your bowel system.

None of these symptoms written in the article should give you a place for panic and concluding final case scenarios.  A doctor is someone specialized with diagnosing you. We are just taking care and “pushing you towards” a better health and a better you.

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