
Contouring Face: Step-By-Step Guide

If you want to know how to contour your face correctly, but don't know what products to use, what makeup brushes work best, and what makeup application techniques will give you the most definition for your cheekbones, we've got you covered. This easy step-by-step video for beginners will teach you how to transform the shape of your round, rosy cheeks for a more defined and sexy look using only one product and one makeup brush. Seriously. This is one makeup tutorial you DON'T want to miss!

While I’ve got all kinds of face-slimming secrets up my sleeve to help add a bit of definition to my round cheeks, contour is something that took me AGES to master. I always started off with great intentions, but it wasn’t until I invested in the right brush and contour powder, and took the time to sit down and learn the correct application techniques, that I started to see a difference in my face shape.

I’ve watched countless tutorials over the years, and tried everything from drugstore bronzers to high-end creams to try and achieve that chiseled look we’ve all grown to love thanks to our favorite celebs, and through all of the time and money I’ve committed to learning how to contour correctly, all it took was one product, one brush, and one video by Jaclyn Hill for me to FINALLY figure the whole thing out.

Jaclyn is one of the first makeup artists I started following on YouTube, and she has a way of not only getting me excited about makeup, but also breaking her application techniques down so I can try them out myself. I usually have to practice several times before I get things right – she is an expert after all! – but she has absolutely transformed my makeup routine over the last couple of years.

Now, one thing you must know about Jaclyn is that she tends to use expensive products the average person can’t afford, and since I’m more of a drugstore makeup gal myself, I typically take her recommendations with a grain of salt as the cheaper stuff usually yields the same results.

But when I saw how easily she contoured her face by using nothing but a NARS Ita Kabuki Brush (No. 21) and Benefit Cosmetics Hoola Matte Bronzer, I was intrigued and decided to splurge on both products to see if they really worked.

They did.

And my cheekbones have never looked as defined and sexy as they have for the last 6 months.

I’ve been meaning to share this step-by-step video to teach YOU how to contour your face properly for months now, and decided today was the day I’d finally share Jaclyn’s secrets with you.

As you can see from the tutorial, the NARS Ita Kabuki Brush (No. 21) is THE brush for contouring, and I cannot say enough good things about Benefit Cosmetics Hoola Matte Bronzer. It doesn’t have a shine to it, which makes it look natural compared to some of the drugstore bronzers I’ve used, and I love how easy it is to blend, that I can make it lighter or darker depending on how much of the product I use and how much I blending I do, and it doubles as a great eyeshadow!

Don’t forget to follow Jaclyn Hill on YouTube. She will make you fall in love with makeup every single time you watch one of her tutorials, and she’ll teach you a ton of stuff to boot!

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