
25 Delightful Elf Adventures for Kids

Looking for easy and funny Elf on the Shelf ideas for kids to get your little ones in the Christmas spirit without driving you insane? We’ve got you covered. With over 25 brilliant ideas to choose from - both for boys and for girls - these creative yet simple ideas will give you the inspiration you need to keep one of the best Christmas traditions alive in half the time!

While my daughter and I were at Chapters (the Canadian equivalent of Barnes and Noble) one afternoon last November, I saw an Elf on the Shelf and couldn’t resist buying it. It was the first year she fully grasped the idea of Santa Claus, and when we sat together to read the little book that came with our Elf later that day and finally settled on a name (Sebastian), she was so excited she could hardly contain herself.

For the first few days, I was really into the whole thing. I remembered to move Sebastian as soon as I put my Sweet Bear to sleep each night, and I was pretty imaginative with where I hid him, but as time wore on, I started to lose interest.

And one night I forgot to move him completely.


Now, any sane parent would come up with a way of getting out of the whole Elf on the Shelf idea, but I am a sucker for all things Christmas, and I love seeing the excitement on my little one’s face when she goes searching for him each morning, so I’ve decided to up my game instead.

I’ve already programmed a reminder into my phone for the first 24 days of December, and I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time coming up with some fabulous ideas I know my daughter is going to love.


I’m totally going to be that mom.

And if you care to join me, here are 25 of my favorite Elf on the Shelf ideas!

1. Elves Love goldfish (Rocking My 365 Project)

2. Sack Race (Picklehead Soup)

3. Elf Eating M&M’s (A Life Examined)

4. Cereal Box Elf (Raining Hot Coupons)

5. Zip Lining Elves (Gina Rae Miller Photography)

6. Circus Elf (Busy Kids Happy Mom)

7. Drawing Minions on Bananas (Fancy Shanty)

8. Scanner Elf (Vitamin Ha)

9. Q-Tip Snowflakes (Frugal Coupon Living)

10. Knitting Elf (Vitamin Ha)

11. Elfie Snow Angels (Parent Pretty)

12. Elf in the Dryer (Natalme)

13. Rolling Down the Stairs (A Thrifty Mom)

14. “Decorating” the Christmas Tree (My Crazy Good Life)

15. Drinking From An Orange (Frugal Coupon Living)

16. Camo in the Christmas Tree (Frugal Coupon Living)

17. Catching Some Rays (Buzzfeed)

18. Lifting Weights (Lovebugs and Postcards)

19. Elf Tire Swing (Frugal Coupon Living)

20. Sledding (My Mommy Style)

21. Wrapped Toilet (Lovebugs and Postcards)

22. Draw Faces on Pictures (What’s Under the Stone)

23. Elf With a Cold (Nelly Cole Photography)

24. Marshmallow Bubble Bath (Bombshell Bling)

25. Snowball Fight (Buzzfeed)

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