
People had no idea ceiling fans have a switch for hot and cold

With so many home appliances, it can be difficult keeping track of all of the unique features that many of these devices include. Sometimes, in order to discover these features all you need to do is read the manual.

But not everybody has time for that!

Thus, the next best thing is to figure things out for yourself. I mean, some things are just obvious enough, right?

A ceiling fan, for example, is simple enough for anybody to use. While most fans come with two strings that can be pulled for them to operate, more and more simply include a wall switch and remote.

But let’s be real, the two drawstrings can be confusing to use. There are plenty of people who, after having their fans for years, are still trying to remember which string does what. And if you don’t have a remote, the best of luck to you!

Still, ceiling fans are great to have in any home. There are many benefits to having them such as reduced energy costs, decor, additional lighting, and more.

Recently, however, people are discovering something about their ceiling fans that they didn’t know before. Many fans have a switch feature that allows the fan to spin either clockwise or counterclockwise.

And that’s not all!

Choosing whether the blades spin clockwise or counterclockwise makes a difference in the temperature of the air that your home receives.

Thus, if it’s summertime and you’d like to cool your room down, make sure the blades are spinning counterclockwise. If it’s winter and you’d like to warm the room up, the fan needs to spin clockwise.

Is it a “hidden feature?” That answer likely depends on who you ask but oftentimes, these things can be found in the ceiling fan’s manual!

One TikTok user, @bertoncin, recently found out about the feature and was literally mindblown. In the video, he shares that he had been suffering from hot air blowing from the fan for the past six years.

“I already knew that I was a complete moron but today, I finally realized that my ceiling fan has been making my room a sauna for six years.”

Clearly, he is in utter shock at the discovery. After all, six years is a pretty long time to be living with a fascinating feature that’s been under your nose (or above your head), the entire time.

He goes on to explain that he found out about the feature during a FaceTime call with a friend.

“Fast forward to today, I’m FaceTiming one of my friends and while we’re FaceTiming, he switches the direction of his fan to heat his room in the winter.”

We all pretty much felt that gut punch.

He then stands up on his bed to reveal where the switch is located on the fan. But not without his hand getting struck by one of the blades first.

“So earlier I switched it and boom! Five minutes later, my room is ten degrees colder.”

The video was posted on October 17, 2019 and has generated over 2 million views. In addition, it’s received more than 500,000 “likes” and 3000 comments.

Surely, the video resonated with many people.

The more you know!

You can watch the full video below!


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